Inspiring Growth Exponentially

Professional Development Session Samples

Professional Development Session Samples ⋆

Utilizing Instructional Routines to Encourage Student Engagement

Focusing on a set of instructional routines (chosen by district or school leaders) we will explore implementation and lesson planning utilizing these routines. This will be done through the lens of experience where the teachers will participate in activities that highlight the routines in action. If applicable, these activities will be done using the district/school’s chosen curriculum. After experiencing the routines, participants will be provided collaborative planning time to develop their upcoming lesson plans using these routines, or supported in experiencing additional routines.

Experience First - Formalize Later

Have your ever been asked, “when am I ever going to use this?” Answering this crucial question for students upfront can allow your students to see the importance of their learning, increase engagement, and improve student buy-in. The EFFL model of instruction (as discussed by Math Medic here) provides students with this opportunity by exposing students to an activity or project which utilizes the mathematics in an informal manner (often through creative problem solving and collaboration), then formalizes their learning and providing additional practice and assessment opportunities. In this session, participants will be exposed to the EFFL model of instruction and then collaboratively work with their facilitator to develop deliverable lesson plans for an upcoming lesson using EFFL.

Digital Assessment Items, Lesson Plans, etc. using various Educational Resources

Our team has certified coaches in various educational resources. In this session, we work with your teachers to teach them how to maximize the efficiency of their classroom through these various products. Prior to the session, we will collaborate directly with district and school leadership to customize this session to whichever resource the district or school utilizes. Participants will be exposed on the “how to”s and “tips and tricks” that are actionable, useful, and grounded in years of classroom experience to give teachers back their most valuable resource: TIME.

Applying the CRA Model to Your Classroom

Through the lens of application, participants will explore a variety of mathematics topics which are critical for students’ success in 6th Grade through Algebra 2, and Advanced Placement Courses. Participants focus will be on how to apply the CRA model of instruction to these topics to enhance their students experience and provide them with opportunities to better differentiate for their students. This session will be designed in close connection with district or school-based leaders to target specific manipulatives and models that will be applicable to participants’ course of instruction. Oftentimes, this means we will have multiple sessions which target different topics, rather than trying to bridge multiple grade levels and courses at one time.

Fully Customized and Tailored to Meet YOUR Needs!

Here at Exponential Education Consulting LLC, we don’t believe in a “one size fits all” approach to Professional Development. All Professional Development Sessions will be designed and delivered in a 3-step process with district and school leaders.

Step 1: Our team meets with district/school leaders to discuss scope and content to be presented in the session. (Approximately 2 weeks-1 month before session date)

Step 2: Our team develops and delivers the proposed Professional Development resources to district/school leaders. (Approximately 1.5 weeks-3 weeks before session date)*

Step 3: District/school leaders provide as many rounds of feedback and recreation as necessary prior to delivering session to instructional team. District/school leaders have final sign off of approval before session. (Approximately 2 days-2 weeks before session date)

Step 4: Have a highly effective and FUN session with your teachers!

* District and School based leaders have the option to work with us and develop these sessions in a “train the trainer” style. These “train the trainer” sessions focus on research which supports the session content, presentation on the materials, facilitator notes, external tools and resources utilized in the session and “how to” run the session. This allows the leaders to take the session and “make it their own” for mass training among teachers independently following our session with the teachers.

Interested in a free PD consultation?

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(304) 476-8006